Assofintech is a free trade association, non-partisan and non-profit, open to all people and companies interested in the Fintech, Insurtech and Proptech sectors,
which brings together and represents all
fintech and insurtech players.

Knowledge, awareness, collaboration, technology leadership, institutions and regulators are some of the distinctive values of our organization.

A lots of activities, training and educational events, reports, papers…..that we would like to share and to provide with our networking of…..companies, investors, lenders, institutions and much more that will be made available to our members in order to build a strong fintech project.


AssoFintech is a no profit association, open to all the people and companies which are active and playing in the fintech field.

Free admission for student and registration by payment of annual fees (365 days from the date of payment) for the following other members: e prevede il pagamento di una quota associativa per le seguenti tipologie di associati:

  • 100 € for the individual persons (right to participate in the association's activities but without the right to vote in the Assembly)
  • 200 € for the Company (in fase startup – 300 K fatturato – 2 anni di costituzione)
  • 500 € for the Company
  • 5.000 € for the Partner  (SUPPORTING PARTNER)

La quota avrà validità di un anno

The payment of the annual fees will be made by PayPal, Credit Cars or Bank transfert on AssoFintech’s account after filling the online form.                             

The issue will be admitted by the Board of Directors as per the Statute. The Secretary Office will notice the admission and in case of refusal will refund the paid fees.

> Download the statute